Showdates for 2018

The shows listed here are a mixture of Ferret PR events and Ferret Shows.

DO NOT bring any ferrets showing signs of illness.
DO NOT bring any ferrets that have had diarrhoea within the last 3 months prior to today's show. However IF your ferret has had Coronavirus/ECE (green slime disease) then this increases to within 9 months prior to this show. IF in doubt please contact an NFWS Committee member for guidance.
If handling ferrets other than your own, please wash hands with an antibacterial hand hygiene gel in between handling different owners' ferrets, so as to minimise risk of cross infection. The NFWS has several hand hygiene gels for this purpose placed on tables around the show area.
Each exhibitor to bring no more than 20 ferrets to the show.
Ensure clean bedding is used on the day.
Avoid sharing bedding/toys with other show exhibitors ferrets.
Clean up any urine/faeces straight away and dispose of in one of the black bags placed around the show area.
Avoid introducing new ferrets to your 'business' on show day. It is always advisable to quarantine any new ferret(s) for several days.
If a ferret is being dropped off for re-homing, only exchange at the end of the day once you have packed up and are ready to leave
These ferrets should not be entered into the show and must be kept separate from an owner's/rescue's show ferrets so as to minimise risk of cross infection.
Ideally ferret re-homing should be done at an alternative venue but the NFWS understands that sometimes this is not practical so please ensure best practice with all hygiene and quarantine so that any risk to other exhibitors ferrets is kept to a minimum.
All clothing worn on the day to be washed straight away so as to minimise risk of cross infection.
Please note these are NFWS guidelines for NFWS shows, other show organisers may have different criteria so please check beforehand.