Working Ferrets - Humanely dispatching the catch

The following photographs are taken from "The Complete Book of Ferrets" by Porter & Brown and appear by kind permission of the publishers:-

Setting purse nets
Thumbing & Legging
Skinning & Jointing

1. Bagged rabbit

(above) 1. Bagged rabbit.

2. Disentangling the rabbit

(above & below) 2 & 3 Disentangling the rabbit.

3. Disentangling the rabbit 4. Humane dispatch - the neck-pull method.

(above) 4. Humane dispatch - the neck-pull method. Take the rabbit's neck between your index and middle fingers.

5. Push the chin sharply up and back as you stretch the neck to break it quickly.

(above) 5. Push the chin sharply up and back as you stretch the nect to break it quickly.


Setting purse nets | Thumbing & Legging | Paunching | Skinning & Jointing
